
Bibby's Kitchen @ 36 Logo Design
OPS designed the logo and website theme for the recently launched food blog Bibby’s Kitchen @ 36. Dianne Bibby runs cooking...
Vagabond Vintage Logo
Vagabond Vintage create vintage inspired decor and interior items. One Part Scissors was tasked with creating an identity for...
Andrew Brough Adverts
One Part Scissors has created a range of half-page adverts for Andrew Brough Communications, to be featured in various trade...
OSRAM2010 Campaign
With the big day just around the corner, football fever is taking hold. OPS created a logo for OSRAM for their 2010 promotional...
The AIRCURE logo One Part Scissors designed is bold, confident, and masculine. It features a large fan icon that is memorable,...

Although we ensure the websites we build for our clients are compatible with all browsers, we like to push the envelope on our own website. So we've made the decision to make use of a design that looks amazing in all browsers... except Internet Explorer. If you're still using IE, you need to change - the web has moved on from Internet Explorer, and you will get a safer, faster, and more enjoyable experience out of the Internet if you use anything other than IE. Have a look at to choose a new browser. We recommend Google Chrome and Firefox.

(PS: Microsoft is working on a new web browser, and we're all holding thumbs that it will follow the web standards and display the web like everyone else does... correctly.)